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How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen with Expert Tips for Efficiency

It’s finally starting to feel like spring, which means it’s time to spring clean your home. Nothing makes us feel more energized than a fresh, clean kitchen. Think shiny granite counters; sparkly, streakless stovetops; a spotless oven; crumb-free cabinets—and don’t forget the kitchen sink.

We’ll walk you through how to clean each section or large appliance in your kitchen, and give you tips along the way.Cleaning expert and founder of Clean My Space, Melissa Maker, has some overall guidelines to help you get started, like:

Always clean from top to bottom so any dirt and crumbs can accumulate towards the bottom of the appliance, making it easier to effectively clean.
Use an “S” shape when wiping any surface, rather than a circle, as a circular motion just moves the dirt around, whereas the “S” movement helps to lift and pick up the residue.
Make sure you have all of your products ready to go before you start to help with efficiency. We know you don’t have a ton of time to spare.
We’ve also curated a list of eco-friendly and healthy cleaning products to keep you and your household safe and sound while you take on your kitchen cleaning endeavor. With just a little planning and foresight, your kitchen will look ready for its closeup.

How to Clean Your Oven, Stovetop, and Microwave
Whether you use your oven multiple times a day or just once a week, it’s bound to get grimy, even if you aren’t roasting a Thanksgiving turkey on a weekly rotation. Bits of burnt food, cheese drippings, and the like tend to collect in the bottom of the oven, so it’s a good idea to give your oven a hearty scrub, and you can accomplish this without any harsh chemicals.

Oven cleaning is easy, but it requires some planning ahead and takes a bit of time, basically overnight. Simply create a baking soda paste, apply in the evening, and let it soak overnight. After the baking soda paste has done its magic, in the morning you can do a wipe down, and a final finishing touch of a vinegar spray, which is another natural cleaning superpower.


a large cleaning bucket
½ cup baking soda
3 tablespoons water
a scrubber sponge
a glass spray bottle
white vinegar
all-purpose cleaner
paper towels
cleaning gloves

How to clean your oven:

1. Empty your oven, and set aside your racks.

2. Make a baking soda paste with approximately ½ cup baking soda and 3 tablespoons of water. Stir until paste is formed. You may need to adjust proportions as needed.

3. Put on your cleaning gloves and spread paste throughout the oven’s interior with a sponge and lightly rub. You may notice the paste turning brown and that’s okay; it means that the paste is working.

4. Let paste sit for 12 hours.

5. In the morning, dampen a scrubber sponge and wipe away the paste and residue.

6. Add a splash of vinegar into a spray bottle filled with water, and spray directly onto the paste residue. Wipe off the remaining paste residue with a tree-free paper towel until interior is clean.

7. Spray racks, oven door, and oven door handle with all-purpose cleaner, and wipe down with a tree-free paper towel. Replace racks, and now your oven is ready to use.
Clean Your Stovetop
For your stovetop, you will need something tough to help cut down on the grease. If you cook regularly, you may find that oil and other cooking bits love to splatter and stain, adding residue to your stovetop. To help cut down on the grease, try Meliora, a natural cleaning scrub that you can also use on bathroom tile and in the bathtub.


cleaning scrub
all-purpose cleaner
paper towels

How to clean your stovetop:

1. Remove burner grates and set aside.

2. Wet a sponge with water, and give your stovetop a rinse.

3. Sprinkle the cleaning scrub on the stovetop surface.

4. With a damp sponge, gently rub cleaning scrub in that “S” motion we talked about earlier.

5. Rinse stovetop surface again, and dry off with a tree-free paper towel.

6. Spray knobs, stovetop console, and burner gates with all-purpose cleaner, and wipe down with a tree-free paper towel. Replace your burner grates and you’re good to go. Check out some Chowhound community tips on how to clean really gunky grates.

Source: https://bit.ly/2RrkxxY

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