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Is duct cleaning worth it?

duct cleaning mississauga ontario

Paul Hannah’s family business has been cleaning ducts in GTA homes for more than a decade. Dead squirrels, adult movies and children’s toys: Hannah has dug them all out of the vents.

His Woodbridge-based company, the Duct Cleaning Specialists, has a steady flow of customers, but the question for many homeowners is whether duct cleaning is really necessary and whether it’s worth the cost.

The telemarketing pitches are fast and furious in the fall and spring, promising health benefits and offering a great price. But should you take the bait and buy? But experts say the jury is out on whether duct cleaning makes your home healthier. And since the field is unregulated, it is often hard to tell what you’re buying, compare services or ensure a quality job, so Hannah suggests you do your research and choose carefully.

Hannah’s company is one of 41Ontario companies that are members of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), a trade association that requires members to have a licensed technician, liability insurance and adhere to a code of ethics.

But there are many companies outside the association that probably don’t meet those standards, Hannah claims.

“There are a lot of fly-by-night duct-cleaning companies,” Hannah warns.

The cleaning services can be as little as $99 for one-hour “deals” to hundreds of dollars for a thorough inspection. Some will do little more than vacuum the heat registers, possibly using improper tools that cause permanent damage to duct systems. Others offer a cheap rate and then tack on additional charges later.

Consumers should look behind these great deals and sales gimmicks, get several quotes, ask for references and ensure the company is going to clean and inspect all of the air ducts and system components in the home, Hannah suggests.

Bruce Cran, president of the Consumers Association of Canada, says complaints about duct cleaning companies have declined in the past several years. Still, he warns consumers to read contracts carefully, ask all the questions they can and watch out for “deals” that might end up with extra charges added on.

“You want to make sure it’s a reputable company you’re dealing with and do a reputation check,” says Cran. “You also have to be very sure to have an understanding of what’s going to be done.”

Cran adds that consumers shouldn’t buckle to phone solicitations — it should be your idea to seek the service — and don’t pay in advance for work that’s to be done.

“If you do it right, you’re not going to run into problems.”

A reputable company, Hannah says, should perform an inspection to see whether cleaning is warranted. He estimates that a third of people who call him for duct cleaning don’t, upon inspection, actually need it.

In an average-size home, the service should take two to three hours and cost $275 to $350, he said. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates an average American home can cost $400 to $1,000, depending on the size and number of vents.

One of the instances when duct cleaning may be valuable is following renovations, says Hannah. This is a time when dust, dirt and construction gathers end up in the duct work. Another is when water has entered the air system through a leak or flood and mould is growing in the ducts. New homeowners often want ducts cleaned particularly if there were pets or smokers in the house.

Otherwise, Hannah recommends an inspection every 7 to 10 years to see if cleaning is warranted.

According to the EPA, cleaning system components may improve efficiency but has never been shown to prevent health problems.

“Neither do studies conclusively demonstrate that particle (e.g. dust) levels in homes increase because of dirty air ducts,” the agency’s website reads.

Hannah says for those with asthma or allergies, “It may help, but going out and getting a good HEPA filter (for your furnace) would probably help more.”

The EPA recommends duct cleaning if there is mould, ducts are infested with vermin, clogged with excessive amounts of dust and debris, or if particles are blowing out air ducts. The agency said while debate continues about the value of duct cleaning, no evidence suggests it’s detrimental if done properly.

“On the other hand, if a service provider fails to follow proper duct cleaning procedures, duct cleaning can cause indoor air problems,” the agency suggests. “For example, an inadequate vacuum collections system can release more dust, dirt and other contaminants than if you had left the ducts alone.”

A proper job is arduous.

When Hannah’s technicians arrived at Mark Stewart’s Brampton home on a chilly February morning, they precleaned every vent, removing the grate and sucking out debris with a high-efficiency particle air (HEPA) filter vacuum. Stewart is finishing up a massive renovation, including an addition.

They ran a hose from a large $25,000 vacuum mounted in a cube van to the basement, which they attached to an access port in the main duct work.

They used devices to work loose debris and dirt, pushing it into the main ducts where it will be picked up by the vacuum. That process was repeated for every vent in the house, return air vents and all access ports in the main duct work. All system components were cleaned and the whole system was checked with cameras to make sure nothing was missed.

This particular cleaning, like much of the renovation, was free, part of a community effort to help Stewart, who has multiple sclerosis.

“We’ve built an extension on our home to suit my disability needs so I’m sure the vents are the dirtiest (they’ve) ever seen,” says Stewart with a laugh.

Tips for duct cleaning:

Don’t hire cleaners who make sweeping claims about the health benefits of duct cleaning or advocate regular cleaning.

Don’t allow use of chemical biocides, sealants or products on your ducts unless you understand the pros and cons.

Check a company’s references to see if other customers were satisfied.

Ask service providers for their certification and insurance.

Get an estimate for the work they’re to do.

What the duct cleaner should do:

Open the access ports to allow the whole duct system to be cleaned and inspected.

Check for asbestos containing materials before cleaning the system.

Use vacuum equipment that exhausts particles outside of the home or use only high-efficiency particle air (HEPA) vacuuming equipment.

Protect carpet and household furnishings and items.

Use well-controlled brushing of duct surfaces in conjunction with contact vacuum cleaning to dislodge dirt or other particles.

Use soft-bristled brushes for fibreglass duct board and sheet metal ducts lined with fibreglass.

Take care to protect the duct work, including sealing and re-insulating any access holes the service provider may have made or used to ensure they’re airtight.

Source: – https://www.thestar.com/business/personal_finance/2013/03/31/is_duct_cleaning_worth_it.html

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